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Yoko publishes her SXSW schedule - cuz she wants free Southern Comfort from you peeps!

Here are the efforts that have spanned over the entire Anne of Green Gables miniseries. Tomorrow officially starts off one of the largest music events of the year. Every music lover should be wishing their soul away for a badge and a decent hook up through some of the door guys. If you already are in possession of a badge then I would think you would have a pretty good handle on what you want to see, but maybe not the tools to make your list. So far this has been my favorite scheduler for the festival. You can add official SXSW shows in music, film and interactive plus they offer a list of free unofficial day shows you can add. When you add a band you want to see, make you sure to take notice of a RSVP required tag and that you are old enough to get in (this being only my second SXSW that I have been old enough for all the venues, I like to keep that in mind for others who might be constrained by age.) As far as day show listings go, Johnny Wadd and I have found to be the most comprehensive source, but not necessarily as convenient as an actual scheduler might be. Anyhow, here is my list. If it seems like a lot, it's because I have a short attention span, a lot I want to go see, and a quick stride. My calves will be paying for this for a good week or so. I will also most likely deviate from the list and wander around to see if I can stumble across anything amazing, which is not a stretch during SXSW. If you'd like to follow my ramblings, here's my twitter . I hope you guys enjoy your half a week of hangovers, free 10am beers, and fantastic music. Peace out.

Drop me a line if I'm missing anything amazing on my SXSW list.

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