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AICN Dedicated Talkback: The WATCHMEN Are Here...

Merrick here...
Well folks, the time has come. After over two decades of waiting, WATCHMEN hits theaters...tonight. Some have already seen the film via adcvanced screenings held over the past few weeks. Some will be seeing it at midnight, or over the next few days. Some will be seeing it in IMAX...some in digital...some in standard theaters. Some won't be seeing it at all. Is the movie a masterwork of translation? Or was Alan Moore right, and did the graphic novel prove itself unfilmable? Or, is reality somewhere in between? As the headline suggests, BELOW you'll find a Talkback discussing AICN reader reactions to the film. We'll try to keep this post visible on AICN's main page throughout the weekend, so check back to see what folks are saying...and be sure throw in your own thoughts as well! Not that a spoiler warning makes much sense in a case like this, but...for the virginal or prissy...BEWARE SPOILERS!!! Let the enthusiasm, indifference, and carnage begin!

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