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Got A LOST Question
For Cuse & Lindelof??
Variety’s Kathy Lyford
Provides The Venue!!

I am – Hercules!!
UPDATED Wednesday 7 p.m. PST!! You can pose your question to the “Lost” showrunners here, courtesy the great Kathy Lyford, managing editor of Variety! ABC says of “Lost” 5.8, titled “LaFleur”:
Sawyer perpetuates a lie with some of the other island survivors in order to protect themselves from mistakes of the past. Guest starring are Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Doug Hutchison as Horace Goodspeed, Reiko Aylesworth as Amy, Christopher Jaymes as doctor, Kevin Rankin as Jerry, Patrick Fischler as Phil, Molly McGivern as Rosie, Carla Buscaglia as Heather and John Skinner as Other #1. "LaFleur" was written by Elizabeth Sarnoff & Kyle Pennington and directed by Mark Goldman.
“You know who did come see me? Jeremy Bentham,” Walt told Hurley in last May’s fourth-season finale. Now where did Walt get “Jeremy Bentham”? And why didn’t Hurley reply, “Who’s Jeremy Bentham?” And how did Walt know Hurley would know that name? Locke never used the name “Jeremy Bentham” when he spoke to Walt and Hurley. And Walt apparently hadn’t spoken to Hurley since Ben showed Michael how to sail back to civilization back at the end of season two. New topic. Is Kate carrying Jack’s seed? Is that why Aaron didn’t need to toddle aboard Ajira 316? Since Jin was wearing Dharma duds two episodes ago and the time-hopping has apparently ceased (at least until Sawyer or somebody can be bothered to give that frozen donkey-wheel another quarter-turn), could everybody be back in the groovy wife-swapping 1970s with Pierre Chang, Gerald and Karen DeGroot and maybe even Alvar Hanso himself? Was that a timelost Hurley reciting the numbers young Rousseau heard two episodes ago? Will we learn it was a very old Frank Lapidus who was airdropping those Dharma groceries for Desmond in 2004? No new “Lost” next week. ABC is apparently just repeating tonight’s episode. Which is odd, because next Wednesday is the first Wednesday of sweeps! 9 p.m. Wednesday. ABC.

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