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Watchmen producer Lloyd Levin writes an open letter to someone named Drew McWeeny over at Hitfix!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a fascinating inside on the development of WATCHMEN, leading up to the current legal battle. Some dude named Drew McWeeny at the brand spankin' new site Hitfix got the scoop in the form of a very long and fascinating letter from Lloyd Levin. The full thing is posted here and I've taken the first 15% or so and pasted below with another to the full text. You really do have to give this a read as it's the most levelheaded, detailed look at the development of this film that I have read and really puts today's legal battles into context. Enjoy:

Watchmen. A producer's perspective. An open letter. Who is right? In the Watchmen dispute between Warner Brothers and Fox that question is being discussed, analyzed, argued, tried and ruled on in a court of law. That's one way to answer the question - It is a fallback position in our society for parties in conflict to resolve disputes. And there are teams of lawyers and a highly regarded Federal Judge trying to do just that, which obviates any contribution I could make towards answering the "who is right" question within a legal context. But after 15 plus years of involvement in the project, and a decade more than that working in the movie business, I have another perspective, a personal perspective that I believe important to have on the public record. No one is more keenly aware of the irony of this dispute than Larry Gordon and I who have been trying to get this movie made for many years. There's a list of people who have rejected the viability of a movie based on Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's classic graphic novel that reads like a who's who of Hollywood. We've been told the graphic novel is unfilmable. After 9/11 some felt the story's themes were too close to reality ever to be palatable to a mainstream audience. There were those who considered the project but who wished it were somehow different: Could it be a buddy movie, or a team-up movie or could it focus on one main character; did it have to be so dark; did so many people have to die; could it be stripped of its flashback structure; could storylines be eliminated; could new storylines be invented; did it have to be so long; could the blue guy put clothes on... The list of dissatisfactions for what Watchmen is was as endless as the list of suggestions to make it something it never was. Also endless are the list of studio rejections we accrued over the years. Larry and I developed screenplays at five different studios. We had two false starts in production on the movie. We were involved with prominent and commercial directors. Big name stars were interested. In one instance hundreds of people were employed, sets were being built - An A-list director and top artists in the industry were given their walking papers when the studio financing the movie lost faith. After all these years of rejection, this is the same project, the same movie, over which two studios are now spending millions of dollars contesting ownership. Irony indeed, and then some...


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