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Some spoilery T4 toy images pop up online!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I got an email from a buddy named Jack pointing out an article at Slashfilm that got some images from the Playmates line of Terminator: Salvation toys. There's a whole series of pics over at Slashfilm. I've taken one of them and posted below. Be sure to click through and see the rest. Now, these might be considered spoilery if you haven't seen the first trailer and heard Conner screaming at Sam Worthington. I guess Sam will be a good Terminator? I was kind of hoping that this story wouldn't feel the need to follow in the same pattern that the last two Terminator sequels have, to be quite honest. I want to see people vs. machines, not super-powered Terminator on Terminator fights. But I still have no idea what they're doing with the movie. The footage McG showed at BNAT was really sharp, I just don't have any clue what the big picture is from anything I've seen, which makes me a tad nervous. Anyway, here's the pic and link through to the even more spoilery pics:

Sure, they're kinda ugly, but who am I to complain? I was playing with these:

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