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BNAT Footage Fest: Massawyrm gets pumped for T4!!

Hola all. Massawyrm here. Here’s a public speaking tip from your old pal Massawyrm. When walking into a room for the first time, do not, I repeat, DO NOT assume that you are encountering a hostile audience. Do not get defensive. And do not ever confuse BNATers with talkbackers – they’re different. Violating these tenets can lead to a very positive and very excited audience slowly being turned into a very hostile and very agitated audience. McG violated these in a big way. And I watched everyone go from ecstatically whispering “Dude, McG’s here!” to snidely whispering “Dude, Michael Bay called and he wants his jacket back.” McG walked in as if he were walking into San Diego Comic Con, ready to take the mic and give a speech he’d rehearsed to himself a couple of times already. He wanted to address the Cameron rumors, he wanted to comically rebuke talkbackers for making fun of his name and he wanted to give us the pitch for T4. We just wanted to see the movie (which he admitted to having on his person.) Fortunately for him, while the audience was turning on his presentation, he said all the right things about the movie. He made sure to remind us that Christian Bale is a story focused actor – and frankly his presence is one of the biggest coups making this interesting. And the Sizzle reel he popped in was pretty freaking cool. The footage we saw was across the map. Unlike every other presentation, he didn’t show us complete scenes. We saw an elongated trailer. But it kicked ass. The action looks pretty sweet. Many of the robots look frightfully awesome. And frankly, the story McG and the reel told looks pretty stellar. The film is no longer about a robot trying to kill the future. It’s about what has happened after their failure. It’s about how a boy becomes the man that saves the future for humanity. Or does he? Because the one thing the footage mentions is that the future isn’t happening the way Kyle Reese laid it out. It’s happening…differently. So all bets are off. This looks exactly like the film we’ve all kind of dreamed of for a while – a big budget, post-apocalyptic actioner with cool vehicles, killer robots and gargantuan fucking guns. There was a lot of high speed roadway fights – plenty of up close fire fights, and from the looks of it A LOT of varying sequences. This wasn’t a few different scenes in there. There appeared to be at least a dozen or so scenes of pure spectacle. I wish there was some specific stuff to describe to you – but it really was very BAMBAMBAM like the last minute or so of a Michael Bay trailer. All I can say is that this is shaping up to be pretty damned awesome. I would like nothing more than for this to be the movie in which McG shed his old, fun pop sensibilities and makes something truly bad ass. Maybe he’ll even drop the McG and just become Joe McGinty – and leave it to us to call him McG as a term of affection. But until then, he needs to learn how to walk into a room – not like someone trying to sell something, but as a filmmaker in love with what he’s about to talk about. THAT’S how you win over a BNAT crowd. Until next time friends, smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em. Massawyrm
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