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Gabriel Byrne possibly involved in STAR WARS EPISODE 2'

Just wanted to fill you folks in on this latest tidbit. Hmmmmm, and just who would he be I wonder? I love his work. Harry out, here's Macker...

I'm a regular reader of your site from Ireland. I heard a snippet today that might be of some interest to you. Gabriel Byrne was being interviewed on RTE Radio 1 (Irish national radio station) he was asked firstly about a General Custer film with Tom Cruise that he was supposed to be involved in - his reply 'That's news to me, I've heard nothing about that', when asked about a role in Star Wars Episode II he said something like 'yeah there's something going on there, but nothing definite YET'.

Hope you can use this,



And here's that white drug dealing jive talking Drexel with the confirmation....


Finally the time has come. I have spent the last two years waiting for the moment that I could contribute something to your site. And I think the wait was worth it. This is juicy, very juicy indeed.

Here I am in Ireland. A land that would be devoid of scoops and on set reports. Basically, all of you people in American get the best news first. Unless it happens here. And today it did.

Listening to the radio today during work. I heard a very intimate interview with Gabriel Byrne at the Galway Film Festival about his life and times as an actor. It was recorded in the last few days. He was candid, honest and very relaxed. It was like a conversation in a pub. Anyway, after fifteen minutes as the interviewer was wrapping up, he asked Byrne about his next projects and very casually asked

"What about talks on Star Wars 2?.

Without a moment of hesitation Byrne answered

"Yes. I have had talks about Star Wars 2."

(I’m quoting because I wrote it down as soon as I heard it.)

And they left it at that.

My jaw dropped. I could not believe the response, with the script unfinished and all. Especially at this early stage. But I believed him, because this did not feel like a formal interview and it would only be heard by Irish Radio One listeners, so he was very relaxed.

Byrne likes coming home to Ireland and all of Irish interviews are open and honest. It’s like he is coming home from work and is chatting with a friends about the way things are "over there".

But how cool is that. Byrne has got the physical presence and the intensity to be a great Jedi. Light or Dark.

Harry find out more on this please.

Two Irish Jedi. Maybe I could be one in the Episode 3......Nahhhh


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