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Will Tony Stark's Daddy Be A Cross-Franchise Nexus In IRON MAN 2??

Merrick here...
El Mayimbe over at Latino Review has word on who'll play Howard Stark, Tony's dad, in IR2N MAN (sorry, I couldn't resist).
Tim Robbins is going to be playing Howard Stark in an important flashback sequence that is going to set up the Avengers and Captain America films. Jon [Favreau] wanted to get a good actor because he didn't think the guy who played Howard in the last film could carry such an important scene.
...says THIS PIECE at Latino Review. "[Favreau] wanted to get a good actor because he didn't think the guy who played Howard in the last film could carry such an important scene. " Yeouch. Was the dude even in the first movie beyond the media presentation at the awards ceremony which opened the film? Poor Gerard Sanders. Well, at least he looked sorta like Tim Robbins...

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