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Mr Paisley takes a brief look at Frank Oz's BOWFINGER and Brad Bird's THE IRON GIANT

Hey folks, here's Mr Paisley with some poison and candy about two films coming out soon. Poison for BOWFINGER and candy for THE IRON GIANT. Personally, I have to say I'm giddy to have all you readers see THE IRON GIANT. It's trully a GREAT fan's movie, as well as just plain being a GREAT movie. It's almost here!

Hey Harry!

Mr. Paisley checking back in after a long undercover mission. Saw a couple of screenings lately and wanted to throw my two pennies into the ring.

First, the bad. Bowfinger may be hands down the worst movie I've seen in 1999. Poor acting, terrible script. Just plain unfunny. The only bright spot in the entire film is Eddie Murphy's dimwit performance as an action star's double. The trailer leads you to believe that that is the main character Murphy plays and it's just not true. He also plays an egocentric movie star to busy revelling in his own success to be a real person. This may be typecasting.

After the debacle that was "In & Out," it's becoming painfully clear that Frank Oz should spend more time with his hand up Yoda's ass, than behind a camera. And truthfully, if the script had been sent to a studio by you or me rather than the respected Mr. Martin, it probably wouldn't have been made at all....

Now that the poison has flown from my fingertips, let's turn to the good.

"The Iron Giant" is the most magical experience I've had in a theatre in many many moons. George Lucas take note, this is the feeling I should have had leaving "Episode I." The script, the music, the sound, the voice acting: all of it is perfect. For this movie to fail would confirm the absence of a God. The crowd I saw it with leapt to it's feet with a thunder of applause and cheers at the rolling of the credits. Do your best, Harry. Get the word out. Make sure people know how good, and beautiful this film is. I'm going to go get in line at Toys R US now, Hogarth and the Giant are soon to be a proud part of my collection....


Mr. Paisley

Meanwhile, this fella named Devil's Halo just posted to TALK BACK on the RAY GUNN posting today the following note to Brad Bird about his experience seeing THE IRON GIANT!

You have single-handedly saved not only WBFA, but renewed my faith in Warner Bros. I have had a chance to see IRON GIANT today and I must say I will be surprised if this doesn not win an Oscar nomination for Best Picture! A truly moving story and amazing animation. Thank you thank you thank you! I look forward to your future projects

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