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Okay, LA Film Geeks… You’ve Got To Get To The New Beverly Tonight!

Hey, everyone. “Moriarty” here. I ran a piece last week about the Patton Oswalt-programmed festival that is now running at the New Beverly, and I hope some of you made it out for the first few double-features. CHARLEY VARRICK and THE TAKING OF PELHAM 1-2-3 were like a badass sammich served up hot, and noir enthusiasts would have been in heaven with THE LINE-UP and BLAST OF SILENCE. Tonight, though, Patton’s doing something that no one’s done at the celebrity programming events at the New Beverly so far: he’s premiering a film. And it’s a film that, frankly, you may never get a chance to see theatrically again. That’s worth a trip to the theater, especially if you know just how cool Patton’s film taste is overall. The evening will start at 7:30 with AMERICAN MOVIE, that awesome documentary about the makers of COVEN, a low-budget horror film, and then at 9:40, he’s going to show Bobby Hacker’s CARS III. “Wait... what the hell were CARS I and CARS II?” you ask. Glad you asked. Here’s CARS I for you:
Okay! My fucking checkbook’s out! I swear! And here’s the sequel, CARS II:
You’ll notice both of these run less than two minutes long. So I’m curious to see what he’s going to do with something that runs about 40 times longer. Here’s a trailer for CARS III, which appears to be the culmination of everything Bobby Hacker’s been working toward so far:
Come on. That looks totally fucking serious. Serious as a hate crime. It even says so right there in the trailer. Don’t be a dick. Show up tonight for what could be the only theatrical screening of this film. Support truly independent cinema and one of the only truly independent theaters in Los Angeles. As Patton said, “How can you afford to miss this? It's only 40 minutes long, and Bobby will be there to defend/explain.”

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles

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