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Goyer/Braga Sci-Fi Pilot
Likely Headed To ABC!!

I am – Hercules!!
David S. Goyer (“Blade: The Series”) and Brannon Braga (“Star Trek: Enterprise”) – who earlier collaborated on CBS’ short-lived alien-invasion drama “Threshold” – are close to landing a pilot deal at ABC for their spec script “Flash Forward,” based on the sci-fi novel by Robert J. Sawyer. The book is about what happens when physicists, conducting a super-high-energy experiment, accidentally cause everybody on the planet to experience two minutes and 17 seconds of his or her own future 21 years hence. A lot of people were driving cars when their consciousnesses left their bodies for more than two minutes, so the experience is memorable for many reasons. Goyer, who wrote and directed the third “Blade” movie for the big screen, is expected to direct the pilot. Find all of The Hollywood Reporter’s story on the matter here.

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