Ain't It Cool News (

Herc’s Been
Thinking About Superboy …
Thanks To The 8th Season
Premiere of SMALLVILLE!!

I am – Hercules!!
The CW sent along the 8th season premiere of “Smallville.” Lex is gone but Green Arrow, Black Canary, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter are lurking about. (The Flash and Cyborg are merely referenced.) Supergirl is presumably still rotting away in the Phantom Zone. Tom Welling now wears eyeglasses in the opening credits. Alison Mack is now second-billed, and Chloe’s got new super-powers, newer even than her healing ability. Sam Witwer, who I think plays Doomsday, is in the opening credits but he’s not in the episode. Not much of the show seems to take place in Smallville anymore, but I suppose that’s okay because “Smallville” is also Lois Lane’s nickname for Clark Kent. The Legion of Super-Heroes is expected to turn up later in the season, so that’ll be cool. The show has new runners, but I can’t say 8.1 evidences much of a shift in quality. It's starting to resemble more than anything the second season of "Heroes"; there are many characters, and a lot happens, but it's not terribly engaging and fairly contrived. Lois disguises herself as a French maid in the first act, so I suppose the series may have grown a bit goofier. I forgot how much I hated the "Smallville" versions of Justice League costumes. Clips: This is how the season premiere ends: 8 p.m. Thursday. The CW.

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