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Keanu Barada Nikto - Apparently Aliens Understand American Suit Sizes...

Hey folks, Harry here... Thus far - I have still not seen one thing that convinces me that the folks behind the remake of DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL had a legitimate reason other than Name Identification - for remaking the classic. Of course, maybe that will come out in the film. Today - there's a longer look at DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL - where it seems they've combined STARMAN with DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL a bit - and made him a being of energy. It certainly seems that everything is more 'badass' - the building eating cloud left over from FANTASTIC FOUR 2 is certainly doing its biz - and I love the idea that there would be no observers during a polygraph examination of AN ALIEN BEING in a Government facility. Yeah, they'd just do it in a grotesquely oversized rooms with nobody monitoring the interrogation. Right? No matter, it's a cool scene. I'm very curious to see what the grander vision is behind this film, if they have one. The original is one of the very best Science Fiction films ever made. This looks like an effects exercise thus far.

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