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Movie News

SLACKER UPRISING trailer is telling you the movie is coming to the screen you're reading from right now!

Hey folks, Harry here... It seems that Michael Moore has an inspirational film about getting disaffected youth, that perhaps feel that neither party makes a difference, that voting is insignificant when the possiblility of electronic fraud could happen... you get the idea - he's trying to get those folks to get up and vote. Obviously he supports Obama. But the message is valid for just about everyone - young or old that is thinking about not voting. All of us need to be registered to vote, but then... when it comes time, we need to follow up and vote. Be it early voting or the big day itself. Apparently, this film of his is going to be available to download free of charge online. Because, well, he seems to think it is pretty important. It's easy to poke fun at Michael Moore - shit, it's easy to poke fun at everyone - no matter what they do. But personally, I think this is pretty darn cool. Check out the trailer:

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