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A Serious Documentary That's Playing At FANTASTIC FEST... NOT QUITE HOLLYWOOD! Plus The Program Guide And Schedule Is Up!

Hey folks, Harry here... What's your favorite Ozploitation flick? For most it would either be ROAD WARRIOR or MAD MAX, to me ROAD WARRIOR is one of the greatest, most visceral works of cinema ever made. It's a movie that puts your adrenal gland into sweat mode. It's great - but those two movies were just the best known of an entire industry of awesome ass-kicking Australian Cult Cinema that blew the minds of everyone that watched. At this year's FANTASTIC FEST - this is the documentary that I'm dying to see, mainly because I'm curious to see a glimpse of a movie that perhaps I never saw, which will give me a reason to begin hunting it down - like a kid on Easter Morning... must have bright colored egg!!! Here's the trailer - it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK... if you work at a place that's uncool. Edgar Wright sent me this link under the Subject line: BEST DOCUMENTARY EVER!

Not only are we showing this documentary as a U.S. Premiere... We're also doing an Ozploitation Retrospect of DARK AGE, MAD MAX, ROAD WARRIOR, MAN FROM HONG KONG, RAZORBACK & TURKEY SHOOT - all in gorgeous 35mm! So discover the genre and celebrate it at FANTASTIC FEST.

In all my excitement - I forgot to post the link to the Fantastic Fest Guide in pdf form here! And if you're attending the fest - or just want to watch an assload of awesome trailers - goto where you can begin to make your schedule, pick the films and research your Fantastic Fest soon! As always - we have things that are not in the guide, that will be playing at the fest - which only by attending will you know where and when. SO if you have a pass... DON'T MISS A MOMENT - YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'LL MISS! See you soon! OH - and I forgot this - here's the link to a zillion trailers for films playing at FANTASTIC FEST - prepare to lose 4 hours: Click Here To Discover FANTASTIC FEST's INTERGALACTIC TRAILER FORCE!!!

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