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Quint reviews Sandler's BIG DADDY

That crusty ol seaman, Quint is here to let you lend ear to his tale of Sandler and a wee babe (about the right size for me belly!) and their adventures together. So, without further ado... Here's QUINT...

Ahoy, constant readers. AICN's resident crusty seaman here once again, this time with a review of Adam Sandler's latest, Big Daddy. Now, I've been a Sandler fan ever since I saw Happy Gilmore. By "fan" I mean I like his work, not that I idolize him. He entertains and does it well, at least for me. I don't think he can compare with Steve Martin, Richard Pryor, Blazing Saddles/Young Frankenstein-era Mel Brooks or even Cheech and Chong, let alone my personal favorite comedian, George Carlin.

Even though all of the above comedians at one time or another did acts or films that were considered by most to be "low brow" ... well, it's just not right to compare them with Sandler. It's like comparing, say, Anthony Hopkins to Humphrey Bogart. Two terrific actors who did terrific films (and some not terrific films). In fact, I'd venture the opinion that Hopkins is a better actor. BUT, Bogart has something about him. He represents an era of filmmaking. He reflects a time and place that most of us never got to experience. I'm sure in 50 years Hopkins will be looked at in the same light. We just can't see the magic now, much like the people living during Bogart's prime couldn't see it. Of course, that's all assumption on my part, being that I wasn't there. My point is: picking on Sandler because he lacks that certain something possessed by those comedians you have come to love isn't fair. He's an entertainer. He entertains. People liked to be entertained by him. Don't believe me? Look at the box office returns on his last few movies. That doesn't have to make him or his movies good, it just means a lot of people like him and his movies.

With that said, on with the review. Most of the reviews I've read of the film pretty much agree that Big Daddy is slightly more mature than the rest of Sandler's films. Well, they're right. But I emphasize the word "slightly." This isn't Sandler's Truman Show. What makes Big Daddy different isn't a higher brow sense of humor, it's the film's charm. This film has a lot of heart and I think that only those too cold-hearted or too macho won't feel touched by this film in one way, shape or form. It's not Sandler playing the same character with a different accent, like some of his past films.

I might be getting a little ahead of myself here. Just in case some constant readers don't know the plot of the film, I'll give you a little synopsis. Adam Sandler plays a law school graduate who lives the life of a slacker, working only one day a week at a tollbooth, because he didn't want to take the Bar Exam. --Sorry, Sandler fans. No Tollbooth Willie scene-- He has relationship troubles, he's getting nagged at by his parents, roommates, girlfriends and roommate's girlfriends. When out of the blue, an orphan appears on his doorstep. The boy, needing a father, and Sandler, needing something to keep his hot girlfriend (played by the original Buffy, Kristy Swanson), team up. Those of you who have seen the trailer know how it goes from there. The bonding between the boy and Sandler, the teachings only a bachelor could provide, etc. The second half basically plays like an ABC movie of the week, but twisted around to serve Sandler's humor. And it works.

I think the movie will surprise you. I don't just mean Sandler's slightly more mature humor (again, not that much more), but the actual narrative of the story. Not everything falls into place as you'd expect it to. That's not to say that this isn't an Adam Sandler comedy. It has some funny as hell moments. I won't give them away, but keep your eye out for the long running Hooters and Frankenstein gags.

Supporting cast:

JON STEWART- I had the pleasure of having lunch with the man last year on the set of The Faculty and he is easily one of the funniest guys I've every personally run across. So, I was a little surprised that he played the straight man in this film. I was expecting, from the trailer I guess, that he was going to be acting more along the lines of his Half Baked character ("Have you every adopted a kid.... ON WEED?"). But, he actually showed some acting ability instead. It was a good trade off.

ROB SCHNEIDER- Funny as hell as usual. "You can do it!"

STEVE BUSCEMI- Goddamn this guy's so cool! He's hilarious as the homeless dude in search of a McDonald's breakfast meal.

Lastly, JOEY LAUREN ADAMS- I've thought she was cute ever since Mallrats and Chasing Amy. Even moreso in this film. She's so adorable. She and Sandler have great chemistry, especially in the storytelling scene. You'll know it when you see it.

All in all Big Daddy is a funny movie that raises the bar a notch or two for Sandler. Don't be surprised if this film steals your heart. GUYS!-----This is a terrific date movie! You wouldn't believe how many girls in the audience went "Awwwwwww" each time the kid appeared or each time Sandler showed some sort of love for the little guy. Hmm..... Good date movie.... Um, hey, uh Natalie, If you're reading this... well, I know you're in town shooting your film... What's say you and me go catch this flick? I won't bite... Hard.

Oh, well. I had to try.


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