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Impressions from SPACED-NUMB-A-THON...

Hey folks, Harry here... I spent the better part of 8 to 9 hours tonight at the Alamo Ritz watching the entire series of SPACED with Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg and a couple of hundred Peggsters, Spaced folks and just fans in general that wanted to experience this marathon with a pair of talents that they sincerely admire. What a fucking blast! I've seen SPACED several times. I can quote episodes, do routines from the show and I feel it is the single best show about people like me... Geeks. A generation that love the pop culture that sprung them to adulthood with an effortless collective connection to a series of sounds, images and information that unifies them into a strange evolved state of Geek. SPACED is a truly great television show - and watching it play out from the first episode to the last with a full standing room only audience that came from Austin and parts from throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada.... well it was something special. I asked Simon if he sticks to his belief that odd Star Trek films must suck. He feels that this is not the case anymore. As Edgar pointed out - Star Trek 10 blew... which threw the whole theory into cosmic shift. Coming off of a double negative, mathmatically - the next one must Rule. Simon feels the next two at least will rule, because he'll be in both of those. Cheeky bastard. The questions were about 98% from the audience and they were all sorts of fun. Hopefully we'll have some footage for y'all... But the best moment of the night was when a fella from the audience asked if there was a chance of watching Simon and Edgar in a Slo-Motion Pantomine Gun Battle... which quickly became the entire theater audience vs Simon & Edgar in the WILD BUNCH of Pantomine Gun Battles. Sadly - our Ernest Borgnine and William Holden substitutes had a similar fate - though they took a great many of our brutal audience with them. It was classic hilarity. I'm sorry all of you couldn't be there, but I do want you to know there are a limited number of SPACED event posters for sale at MondoTees.Com which you can click there for - or the Tyler Stout poster at the top of the page. Personally - I had Simon sign my Chris Pine as Kirk STAR TREK teaser poster with, "Harry, I'm Givin' Er All I Got Ensign - Scotty - SIMON PEGG" - somehow that makes me smile.

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