Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News


Merrick here...
Paramount has optioned Penelope Green's New York Times article (published last Thursday - find it HERE) that'll be adapted into a film under the guidance of the ever-ubiquitous J.J. Abrams. The article...
describes an Upper East Side luxury apartment on Fifth Avenue that the occupants had redesigned to include hidden compartments, messages, puzzles, poems, codes and games for their four preteen kids. [EDIT] they hired young architectural designer Eric Clough, who devised an elaborately clever "scavenger hunt" built into the apartment that involved dozens of historical figures, a fictional book and a soundtrack. (Many of the secrets were included without the parents' knowledge, either.)
The project will be scripted by Maya Forbes (THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW) and Wally Wolodarsky (THE SIMPSONS). Sooooo, it's like NATIONAL TREASURE...but up-scalier?

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