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Want To See WALL*E Before The Entire Human Race? At The Alamo Drafthouse South - on FATHER'S DAY?

Hey folks, Harry here... On June 15th - Father's Day - The Future is coming to the Alamo Drafthouse South, here in Austin, Tx. WALL*E - this will be the very first Public Screening of WALL*E - thus far, it has only been shown to "Long Lead Press" - and on June 15th - an audience of approximately 220 will be... the Luckiest Audience On Earth - because we'll be seeing the new Pixar film first! Now this is meant to be a GEEK SCREENING. So... I am having you folks email me on why you're the biggest science fiction geek on the planet Earth. Specifically - I need to hear what it is about the future, robots, space and that stuff that we all know is out there... somewhere, well what that stuff does for you. I'm not specifically looking for "Families" but I'm not not looking for them as well. Be sure to include your name & the name(s) of your guest(s). Email your submission to: HK at AintItCool.Com and you must have this exact subject line: Everything Is So WALL*E!!! If that isn't the subject line - the submission will never get to the mail folder it needs to get to, to be considered and your email will be deleted. Meanwhile - here's a 3 minute Sneak Peek from WALL*E that we saw at BUTT-NUMB-A-THON last year - well, it's finally shown up online, here...

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