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Do You Have A Film For FANTASTIC FEST? Seasoned Filmmaker or First Time - It's The Fest To Let It Hang Out!

Hey folks, Harry here... Yesterday here in Austin - at the Alamo Drafthouse South - we had a senior staff meeting for FANTASTIC FEST 2008. Tim League had just returned from Cannes where he found a good run of "Fantastic" titles for inclusion in the festival - we've also been going through submissions - and I've got a few titles that have come in from the lands of MySpace and Facebook - where filmmakers contacted me directly and sure enough - their films kicked ass. That said - there's a shitload of programming left to do - and just a short summer to do it in. So FILMMAKERS - If you'd like to be a part of FANTASTIC FEST 2008 - it's time to let us know about it. You can submit through the WITHOUT A BOX system - that's primarily how I'd do it if I were you. However, if you would like to get your film in front of my eyes - you can send it to my P.O. Box 180011 - Austin, Tx 78718-0011. But you should realize - I get sent so much stuff just on my regular Ain't It Cool duties that it will be less likely to be seen that way. After all - I'm only one person. If you're a studio and you have a film that you would like to have become EVENT STATUS at Fantastic Fest - Drop me a line and we'll get to conspiring to have a lot of fun with it. This is going to be an amazing year - Film Journalists and Film Acquisitions folks have taken notice of FANTASTIC FEST - and they'll be there to "start the buzz" or "find a film" to share with the rest of the world. But as awesome as it is to get your film talked about and picked up for distribution... the key reason to bring your kickass film to FANTASTIC FEST is for FANTASTIC FEST itself. Variety listed us as one of their top 10 Festivals they love in the world - and there's a reason why. We're dedicating ourselves to trying to find new filmmakers, the biggest and most fantastic films available - and to have a festival that's easy, fun and blissful... so that when it all ends, you find yourself hating that it has come to an end. As for all you attendees - I'll be seeing you September 18-25th at FANTASTIC FEST!

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