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Patrick Read Johnson's 5/25/77 might finally be coming to a theater near you!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I saw a rough cut of Patrick Read Johnson's 5/25/77 and it's a very sweet, emotional flick that needed a bit of work. It looks like he was just able to secure $200,000 to finish the flick, in preparation for a debut at Toronto. It has now been shortened to 77. If you're not familiar with it yet, the old title referred to the day STAR WARS was released. Johnson made a very autobiographical film about the impact of that film on his teenage brain and how it spurred him to want to be a part of the business. That path led him to some amazing moments of film history... upon a visit to LA he sees an early cut of the film, visits ILM and stumbles upon the set of a certain other science fiction film that was filming around that time, meeting a very young and non-bearded director. If they call the movie 77, they need to put that apostrophe in it. '77. Anyway, good luck to Mr. Johnson. Looking forward to seeing the final edit.

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