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Have You Checked Lately?

Hey, everyone. “Moriarty” here. I’m out on an early flight on Monday so that I can watch the painfully funny Ricky Gervais work. To prepare, I caught up on the movie blog that Ricky’s been keeping at his official website. For anyone who’s a fan of his podcasts with Stephen Merchant and Karl “Head Like A Fucking Orange” Pilkington, the movie blog is unmistakably in Gervais’s voice. I am fascinated with the way he tortures everyone around him. In particular right now, watch and read anything that has to do with Jason Bateman. The urge to talk to him about how TEEN WOLF TOO inspired me to endless hours of imagining how much better every sequel would be if they used TOO instead of a number. THE GODFATHER TOO would have been awesome. I submit that STAR WARS TOO is the best title in the history of titles that didn’t happen. And I’d see TAXI DRIVER TOO on opening day. All day long. But I digress. Point is, I’m headed to Massachusetts for the first time ever, and I’m excited to watch this great cast at work. Louis CK. Jonah Hill. Rob Lowe. Tina Fey. Jennifer Garner. Patrick Stewart. Jeffrey Tambor. I repeat. Jeffrey Freakin’ Tambor. John Hodgman. It’s dense with the funny. And you can get a real feel for it yourselves right now without having to deal with air travel. I'll have the full details of my time on the set for you soon, but for now, check out the site and watch and listen to all the stuff Gervais has posted there. Not bad at all.

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles

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