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Rest In Peace John Phillip Law

Hey guys. Quint here. Word has come out that actor John Phillip Law has died at the age of 70. There are many great films to his credit, his most famous probably being THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD, where he played the title character, and BARBARELLA, where he played a scantily clad blind angel.

He was great in both films. I have one-sheets for 'em both around the house, but I'd like to point out a couple other films not getting as much attention. A few years back the Alamo Drafthouse screened a beautiful IB Tech print of DANGER DIABOLIK, directed by Mario Bava. In the flick, Law played the title character, a badass anti-hero... a man of few words and a kickass outfit. Lush '60s decor and vivid colors that could only be brought to the silver screen by the Technicolor process really made this a stand-out, even if it hasn't been pumped into the mainstream.

As a stand alone performance, Law's turn in DIABOLIK is probably his best, but of his films my favorite is probably DEATH RIDES A HORSE. I'm a sucker for a good Spaghetti Western and DEATH RIDES A HORSE is a fucking great one. Lee Van Cleef starred, but the story really belonged to Law's character. As a child he watched his family get gunned down and in true Spaghetti Western fashion he grows into a young man obsessed with revenge.

You'll remember the theme song was used by Tarantino during the House of Blue Leaves sequence when the Bride calls out for O-Ren. If you haven't seen it, it's a must. Track it down if you can. My thoughts are with Mr. Law's friends, family and fans. He will be missed.

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