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DiCaprio As James Bond ('s Creator) In A New Biopic?? Could Be...

Merrick here...
Leonardo DiCaprio's production company (Appian Way) has fallen into place as producer of FLEMING, Damian Stevenson's screenplay about the life of James Bond creator Ian Fleming. DiCaprio may take the title role.
latest version of the screenplay begins on the eve of Fleming's Jamaica wedding in 1952, just before his first Bond novel, "Casino Royale," was published (a wedding present to his new wife). It then flashes back to Fleming's years as a Reuters journalist stationed in Moscow and then a Commander of Naval Intelligence (MI6 code name "17F") during World War II who devised innovative spying plots. Fleming later drew from his own playboy life and his espionage contemporaries' to invent one of literature and film's most enduring characters.
...says THIS ARTICLE in the LA Times. I'm a World War II nut and have heard about Fleming's time in the Naval Intelligence. This era alone should be incredibly fascinating...not to mention the perspective on Bond machniations. This could be way cool... For more on Ian Fleming's life, JUMP TO YOUTUBE and input his name. There's too much available material to present here.

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