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Ridley Scott and Leonardo DiCaprio Embrace THE LOW DWELLER!!

Merrick here...
Ridley Scott and Leonardo DiCaprio are reuniting for THE LOW DWELLER (I smell a title change coming on). Ridley and Leo recently completed BODY OF LIES. Seems DiCaprio will produce DWELLER alongside Scott, and star in the film. Scott is considering directing the project.
Set in Indiana in the mid-1980s, the movie centers on a man (DiCaprio) trying to assimilate into society after he's released from jail, only to find someone from his past pursuing him to settle a score. In addition to the pursuer, a third male character and a female love interest are said to figure prominently in the script.
...says THIS ARTICLE in Hollywood Reporter. There's an interesting/very cool angle to this's written by an insurance salesman who has never set foot in Hollywood (according to the article). More power to him...check out the piece for more details.

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