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Have You Checked The Blog Yet For The New Ricky Gervais Film? You Should!

Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here. Ricky Gervais makes me laugh till I cry. And that’s not me exaggerating, either. Just now, as I was checking out the first of what I hope will be many blog entries regarding THIS SIDE OF THE TRUTH, I was listening to Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington, and I laughed so hard I had to turn it off to give myself a chance to recover. I love the script for THIS SIDE OF THE TRUTH, and what I read was still a fairly early draft, so I hope that the finished product is something special. It’s got a great concept, and it’s not just dumb comedy. There’s a point to this satire, and I’m curious to see how it’ll all come together. If you don’t know the premise yet, it’s simple: Ricky Gervais plays a man who lives in a society where the concept of lying was never invented. No one lies. As a result, there’s no fiction. There’s nothing even remotely like it. It’s a world for the literal-minded, and when Gervais accidently creates lying, it’s like he’s a powerful magician suddenly. He finds he can shape the world with his lies, and then has to deal with the ramifications of creating such a powerful tool. For now, check this out, and then bookmark it so you can stay up-to-date as the film progresses:

Not seen you post this yet, but here are the first in what we are promised will be regular updates on Gervais' film "This Side Of The Truth". Anyone familiar with The Office and Extras DVDs will know what to expect - already it appears that assistant Jake is Ricky's new Nigel/Karl. Check out the website here. Hope the film is as funny. Cedar_Room
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