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Holy Crap! Two New International SPEED RACER Trailers To Melt Your Eyes!

Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here. Some days, it’s a real struggle to find something to post here on the site, and other days, you wake up and find a mailbox stuffed with awesome. I’ll be frank: I can’t stop playing these SPEED RACER trailers. I have no idea what to expect from the movie, but I love the look of the world and the way physics seems to have been completely redefined by the Wachowskis. And before you all compete to see who can win Most Obvious Talkback Comment Of The Day... yes, the whole world looks like CGI. I get it. At some point, you will have to learn a new combination of words in order to express why you do or don’t like something. I don’t think anyone is going to be shocked to see that there were computers used to bring this world to life... but what may shock them is the palette, the energy, and the vibrant snap that the whole world seems to possess. There are two new trailers available, and they feature similar footage but also each seem to emphasize very different aspects of the film’s storyline. Thanks to all of you who e-mailed the link in, especially this guy who was the quickest of the quick draws today:

2 new international trailers MARATHONJEDI
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