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James Tupper to be Joseph Cotton for Linklater and Orson Welles!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I kind of love that Orson Welles is having a life as a fictional character in films. There's one film I saw a year or two ago at AFM with Danny Huston playing Welles... it was called FADE TO BLACK and had Christopher Walken in it as well... don't know if that ever came out on video or anything, but then you have movies about the making of CITZEN KANE like RKO 281 with Liev Schrieber as Welles and Vincent D'Onofrio playing Welles in both ED WOOD and in a short film he directed called FIVE MINUTES, MR. WELLES. And I'm sure there are many other versions I'm forgetting... not to mention Welles living through Peter Bogdanovich's awesome stories. Now Richard Linklater is doing a film called ME AND ORSON WELLES. Already in the cast is Zac Effron (don't worry, he's not playing Welles, but a teen that Welles casts in a play pre-CITIZEN KANE) and Claire Danes. Now they've Joseph Cotton in the form of James Tupper, best known for his role in TV series MEN IN TREES. I'm not familiar with Mr. Tupper's work, so I don't know if he's a good actor, but getting a look at him via his imdb page he does bear a resemblance to Cotton. I loved Cotton's work with Welles, especially in THE THIRD MAN. Can't wait to see what Linklater has up his sleeve with this one. You?

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