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AICN Exclusive: The Martian Manhunter in George Miller's JUSTICE LEAGUE is...

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I got a tip-off today from someone close to the George Miller camp alerting me to a bit of news. A small story ran in the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday that didn't seem to get much notice, but had some interesting information. The biggest news being that the name of the movie is now JUSTICE LEAGUE MORTAL... I'm thinking there might be a colon missing. JUSTICE LEAGUE: MORTAL maybe? My source says that MORTAL is indeed tied to the film, appearing on official documents (sometimes representing the whole title... so it could also be a Blue Harvest situation). The story also lists a guy by the name of Hugh Keays-Byrne as appearing in the movie, but doesn't say who he'll play. George Miller fans will remember Hugh from the original MAD MAX. He played Toecutter.

I don't think he's really been talked about at all, but I know who he is playing in the film. He's the one in the middle.

That's right. Hugh Keays-Byrne will play The Martian Manhunter. Here's what Hugh looks like today... so imagine the below without the beard and hair:

I gotta say I dig this bit of casting more than any of the others... well, maybe except Megan Gale and her NSFW pics I got to post when she was cast as Wonder Woman. From what I hear the movie's going ahead strong now that the writer's strike is over. I hope Miller pulls it off. He's earned some trust with me. I hope it turns out well.

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