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Catch-Up Marathons On HBO2
All Week Starting Monday!!

I am – Hercules!!
HBO’s “In Treatment” hits its share of false notes, but I’ll confess a craving for the next episode every time one ends. So here’s something good. HBO2 has organized nightly four-episode marathons kicking off tonight. Each night starting at 10 p.m. the channel focuses on the story of a different patient. On Monday night we get four episodes focusing on Laura. On Tuesday the four episodes focus on Alex, Wednesday is Sophie, Thursday is Jake & Amy and Friday is pychotherapist Paul. If you want to watch the episodes another way, HBO Signature will start with five-episode marathons every Sunday at 9 p.m. -- starting Feb. 24 with all five “week one” episodes. The next Sunday brings “week two” and so on. There are nine weeks in all. 10 p.m. Monday-Friday. HBO2. 9 p.m. Sunday. HBO Signature.

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