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Hey folks, Harry here - This isn't a movie post - I'm just reminding all you good folks, like you're not aware - to get out and vote if you're in one of the SUPER TUESDAY voting areas. I'm in Texas - we don't get to vote for quite some time, but if the commentators are right - it looks like the Democratic Nominee won't be decided up till possibly then. Personally - I'm an OBAMA fan. And I have been since his speech here in Austin, back last February at Auditorium Shores. However, whoever you support - get out there - not only that, but call your friends and family to get out there to vote - the one thing I hate as an American is a lack of a turn out. So far this primary season has had some amazing numbers in the early contests! Feel free to discuss the process as the day and night goes on. So Republicans, Democrats, Independents and first time voters - get to voting, I wish I was voting today! Instead, I'll just eat King Cake - and enjoy Austin's version of Fat Tuesday!

Why do I like Obama? It's pretty simple. My entire voting life - since 1989 - I haven't had a candidate that I looked at and actually believed in. That managed to make me dream like the characters in a Frank Capra film. What I loved about Capra's films - specifically MEET JOHN DOE - was the Populist message... to go next door to your neighbor, no matter his politics and invite him over for BBQ - to chat, to break bread - then to do something that improves both your lives. I love and dream of a candidate to inspire my apathetic political friends to care. A candidate that not only inspires those I love - but that cause people in other countries to possibly believe in the dream of America again. A leader that inspires you to do more than you have and believe that Government could care. Bill called Obama a fairy tale, but you know what... if this country isn't founded on Fairy Tales - I don't know what it is founded on. A dream that people from all over the world came here to believe they can forge a better way, than how it was from wherever they came from. It's a fairy tale to get married, to buy a house, to raise a family. And Obama is a fairy tale that I believe will work out. I like his talk, his attitude and his charisma. After years of partisan politics getting next to nothing done on both sides - I'd like to believe that we've found a candidate that is dedicated to a better way. Why do you like the candidate you're supporting and voting for?

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