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Is Ryan Gosling The New Jack Ryan?!

Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here. And honestly, is the character really that rich and interesting that we’re now looking at the fourth actor playing him in the franchise? I like HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER. I like parts of CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER and a few moments in PATRIOT GAMES. I dig SUM OF ALL FEARS. I don’t mind the Jack Ryan films in general, but I also don’t live in constant anticipation of when I might be lucky enough to see one again. The news that Paramount is rebooting the series again with Gosling starring is... well... I guess it all comes down to them making a good movie that makes me give a shit. The fact that this is based on... Actually, go read the story over at Moviehole, who were originally reporting that Philip Noyce was going to reunite with Harrison Ford on this one before Noyce contacted them to sort things out.

GOSLING is new JACK RYAN, not Ford! Philip Noyce himself tells us that neither he or Harrison Ford are returning to the Jack Ryan series - but a new Jack Ryan movie is in the works... and it'll star Ryan Gosling.
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