Ain't It Cool News (

Golden Globes
Ceremony Cancelled!!

I am – Hercules!! A press conference this afternoon is expected to announce that NBC is canceling Sunday’s Golden Globe ceremonies, perhaps because Dick Clark Enterprises couldn’t be bothered to mount such an event if it isn’t being televised. Instead, NBC will fill its primetime schedule with a press conference announcing the winners, clips of the nominees and party coverage. (But will the stars attend the parties if they're covered by NBC, which continues to be picketed by the writers’ guild?) Nikki Finke’s sources explain what NBC is putting up against the premieres of “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” and “Comanche Moon” that night:
At 7 PM, we will air a Dateline with clips and interviews with nominees. (Currently scheduled to air for two hours on Saturday night.) At 8 PM, we are negotiating with Dick Clark Enterprises for a one-hour retrospective/clip show. At 9 PM there will be a press conference covered by NBC News announcing the Golden Globe winners. (9pm-10pm) At 10 PM, we will broadcast an "Access Hollywood" style, Golden Globes party show...visiting the various parties in Hollywood
Find all of Finke’s reportage on the matter here.

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