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The above pic comes from an agent so secretive I can't even speak their name (also has to do with the fact I don't know it!) What is that a pic of you ask? Well the "Imperial Droid" that snapped it claims that it is of the cockpit of those ships in the hanger in the pics over at Also the Imperial Droid claims that those are 'spaceships' not waterships. Now before you begin yelling at me, let me say, I have never heard from this spy before, and this spy is going to contradict some stuff that was on yesterday's page in the spoiler area. What do I think about this? WELL, I don't know. If I did, I would be George Lucas, which I'm not, dag gum it. So who is right? Well I do know that the spy from yesterday is definately in the walls to know, as for this spy... well he/she/it brought photos, of course photos in the age of computers ummmm don't mean toooo much.

This rather confusing pic is allegedly of the 'frame' of Anakin's Pod. The "Imperial Droid" tells me that that craft that appeared on the BBC behind George and Rick is in fact the ...the back of a pod. You see, at the beginning of the film on Tatooine, Anakin and some others have a 'Pod Race'! (This has been confirmed to me by another source independent of this one) The above picture is Anakin's Pod, and the bit on the right is the BACK - the bit on the left is the FRONT! Yes, I know it looks backwards, but it's the truth according to the "Imperial Droid". The back of his head touches the raised 'windscreen' looking bit, and he faces towards to two fins at the left of the picture. This pod also has weird 'arms' sticking out at the front and is essentially the space equivelant of a go-cart. We all know that Lucas loves his converted cars, and these are the same sort of things but for young kids such as little Anakin!

Inset in the above pic you will see the BBC pod. This is not a scaled down model, but the ACTUAL CRAFT before it was painted red. What you see is, again, the back of it with it's two jets. This pod belongs to another "unnamed" character. It looks a bit like a Speeder Bike, but with these jets at the back, and allegedly the long metal robot 'arms' at the front. It's about the size of a speeder bike too! It's also got one heck of an engine sticking out of the front according to this source.

Some of you have deemed that character I talked about yesterday as PINKY in the forum, but apparently that is just an 'extra' character, not a major character. Jar Jar is allegedly a central character who looks like a lizard. He's quite funky, and befriends OB1 in a swamp on another planet under circumstances still unknown. This swamp sequence was filmed 2 weeks ago at Whippendell Woods near Leavesden. There was, however, no swamp in the woods. The "Imperial Droid" believes it will be put in later! Shock!! During this swamp sequence, OB1 discovers a submerged temple which looks like an Indian woman's face. I.e. the temple is shaped like a person. He then escapes with the others from something that I honestly don't know the circumstances of. This is all very odd sounding.

As for Liam Neeson's character - he is called Qui-Gon Jinn, is Anakin's father, which is a direct contradiction with the story from yesterday. I do not know who is right.

The guy with the two-ended lightsabre (known as a "laser-light") is in fact called "Darth Maul" according to the "Imperial Droid.

Now for the information I really hope is false: Natalie Portman is Queen Padme of the Naboo. The Naboo are the people of Coruscant, and she lives in the palace. NabooNabooooo Nabooooooooooooooo Nabbbbbooooooooooooooo!!! hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaa. God, make it stop. hahahahahahahahahahaha.

And as for C3PO - well, according to the "Imperial Droid" Anakin builds C3PO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The spy goes on to say that Qui-Gon (daddy) aka (Liam Neeson if you believe this spy) buys two droids off Jawas (sound familiar?). One is R2, and the other one is 3PO, but not as we know him! Oh no. There's a twist. He's just a lump of wires. That's what the "Imperial Droid" claims Lucas meant by "an earlier form of C3PO". He has no gold bits, no arms and just one leg. Anakin 'repairs' him, showing his great talent, and thus we have 3PO.

And lastly, the Imperial Droid claims that Samuel L Jackson plays a Jedi Knight. If true, COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!

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