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Rest In Peace Evel Knievel

Hello there. Quint here. This really hasn't sunk in yet. I can't really claim to be the world's foremost expert on Knievel or his biggest fan, but he always seemed to be one of the indestructibles. I mean, everybody has seen his rag-dolling videos played on repeat. The man seemed to have blackmailed death, surviving things ordinary men shouldn't be able to. His granddaughter has told BBC News that he died today at the age of 69. Knievel's death has already hit the AICN community hard. The legendary talkbacker THE WARRIOR has come out of retirement to comment on the passing of the man, the myth, the legend... Evel Knievel.

There are heroes and there are legends. Then there are crazed hillbillies who strap on red, white and blue leather jump suits, slam back a shot of Wild Turkey and jump over dangerous things on rocket-propelled dirt bikes. Evel Knievel. Hero. Legend. American icon. The man had no super powers other than a complete disregard for his own well-being and balls carved from the steel of a thousand ninja swords, yet he wore a cape, and nobody questioned it. Evel has seen his last rodeo. Dead at the age of 69. But legends never really die -- They just strap their helmet and punch the accelerator as they hit the ramp, flying over those buses, flying a thousand miles an hour, flying as fast our hearts beat, as fast as dreams…Fly on, cowboy. Never look back. I guess Heaven needed a Daredevil. Actually, it was probably Hell. See you in Hell. --The Warrior

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