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New AVP 2 clip full of gore just in time for Halloween!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. You know, I read the script to AVP 2 way back in the day and it was honestly one of the most ridiculous, awful hilarious things I've ever read. This scene in particular... I don't know if it's been changed much, but in the draft I read it was literally an Alien and a Predator facing down in the automotive section of a Super K-Mart. However, looking at all the footage and stills over the last few months, I'm thinking maybe the Strause Brothers have the right idea. One, the world is wholly recognizable. The Predators look like Predators (not linebackers in suits), the Aliens look great, the whole movie feels like an '80s cheesefest... just from tone and production design. If that's the movie they're going for, pure exploitation fun, then I almost don't care if the script is ridiculous. As long as it isn't groan-worthy, like the first AVP... ball-less and boring. My only worry now is that they've shown us too much of the film, so there's going to be little left by the way of surprises or money shots. Anyway, I hope the flick is badass. Here's the clip, thanks to those good folks at IGN and a heads up from Mooseakolopsatron. CLICK IT HERE TO SEE THE RED AND GREEN FLY... IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS, BUT WITH MORE MONSTERS AND MELTING FACES!

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