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TRANSFORMERS BayGirl To Become Possessed Murdering Megababe Cheerleader?? Let The Fetishism Begin!!

Merrick here...
Megan Fox has joined JENNIFER'S BODY.
The script is by Diablo Cody, who wrote JUNO, which comes out in December. We've been hearing pretty good things about JUNO; you can check out its trailer HERE. As far as JENNIFER'S BODY goes...
The story, described as similar in tone to "Heathers" and "Beetlejuice," follows a cheerleader with a perfect life who becomes the girl from hell when she gets possessed and begins killing boys in a small town. Her best friend must then find a way to stop her.
...says THIS STORY IN HOLLYWOOD REPORTER. Actually, it's not entirely clear from the story whether Fox will play the supernatural psycho, or the friend who has to stop her (my bet's on the psycho). Either way, seeing Ms. Fox on screen will be most... agreeable. She sat on Bumblebee. Lucky damn robot. No wonder he couldn't talk. And, no wonder he chose to stay with Shia. By the way: AICN, and phrases like "Damn you, Michael Bay!", are mentioned prominently in the "making of" materials on the TRANSFORMERS DVD that came out last week.

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