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If Tina Fey was my BABY MAMA I'd be just as happy as our spy who saw a test screening of her new movie!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Ah, Tina Fey... le purrrrr... This flick sounds like it's crying out to be double-billed with Jason Reitman's JUNO. Our returning spy Darth Noodle checks out Tina Fey's newest comedy really early. Darth loved it, but do keep in mind that it is early days yet. Looking forward to this one.

hi quint, darth noodle here. my wife and i just came from a preview screening of baby mama here in manhattan at some french institute alliance place i've never heard of before. the movie theatre is a nice, clean place. they do not allow, nor do they serve any refreshments whatsoever, so that leads to an aura of uber cleanliness. the seats have straight backs that do not recline at all, so needless to say, its a bit uncomfortable and stuffy. even though the ambiance of the place sucks, i am happy to report that the movie itself is very funny. the basic premise is that tina fey plays tina fey...a career woman who is aging and wants to have a baby. she is told by the pc guy that she cannot have a baby (maybe if the mac guy played the doctor he would have given her good news, or knocked her up himself) so she decides to use a surrgate. amy poehler plays the white trash surrogate mother and dax shepard is her common law husband. there is some scheming and cheating and although things don't work out the way everyone wanted, everything does work out in the end. as characters are introduced and storylines begin, it is predictable how things will develop and resolve themselves. that is not a knock against the movie. i did not mind the predicatbility because the performances across the board were funny. although it is tina fey's movie, amy poehler steals every scene she is in. seeing her using the sink was definitely the funniest moment in the movie, not just b/c the premise was funny but b/c her look totally sold it. poehler plays white trash very well, but at the same time you see the vulnerable person in there that wants to do the right thing and make herself and her situation better. no one here is a caricature with the exception of steve martin. he plays a new age ceo who has the secret to success and passes this morsel of information onto poehler when she reads his aura. I liked almost all of martin's scenes except for the 5 minutes of uninterrupted eye contact between him and tina. it goes on a little too long and/or is totally unnecessary. oh yeah, greg kinnear is in it. that's all i have to say about him and his career. overall, baby mama will definitely make you laugh despite its predicatbility. always yours, always wet and limp, darth noodle

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