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Lois Maxwell passes away - who will console James now?

Hey folks, Harry here with some sad news for Bond fans the world over. Lois Maxwell, our Miss Moneypenny from DR. NO to A VIEW TO A KILL representing 23 years of unrequited lusting for 007 to our delight, has passed away. She had cancer. It's easy to think of her as just Moneypenny - but us geeks loved her in films like Kubrick's LOLITA and Robert Wise's THE HAUNTING... She did TV work on just about every cool show out there like THE AVENGERS, O.S.S., DANGER MAN, THE SAINT, GHOST SQUAD, STINGRAY and more. Of her non-Bond work, my fave has to be as Dr. Markway's wife in THE HAUNTING. But there's no doubt that for all of us, she'll be the flirtatious Miss Moneypenny - chastised by M, adored by James - and always left wanting more. Miss Moneypenny, James should have been yours, but he loved you too much to put you in that sort of danger. !

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