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Dr Masado Banzai explores Fantastic Fest and comes up with a look at MOEBIUS REDUX: A LIFE IN PICTURES!!!

Hey Folks, Harry here - this is one of the number one films that I most wanted to see at the fest - sadly, I think I'm going to have to catch it on a screener. However, from everything I've heard - its fantastic. And why wouldn't it be, Moebius is one of the greatest living artists - and he's a nice guy. Well, let's take a look at Banzai's review, shall we?

Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures This is easily the best film I've seen at Fantastic Fest thus far. It also became an instant addition to my list of favorite documentaries. You don't have to be a fan of Jean "Moebius" Giraud to enjoy this film. This is a fast-paced and engaging character study of a brilliant and eccentric artist. And even if you've never heard of the man, you'll be stunned by his story, and by the influence his work has had on everything from Blade Runner to Tron. In addition a series highly personal interviews with Moebius himself, we also get to know the artist through the eyes of several of his collaborators and fans. Icons like Stan Lee, H.R. Giger, Mike Mignola, and Dan O'Bannon. These interviews are punctuated with a non-stop barrage of Giraud's beautiful artwork, set to a kick ass electronic score by Karl Bartos, of Kraftwerk fame. One of the most fascinating sections of the film is devoted to Giraud's involvement in a failed attempt to make a film adaptation of DUNE (years prior David Lynch's version). Moebius, H.R. Giger, and Dan O'Bannon were all collaborating with Alejandro Jodorowsky on this epic. When the project fell apart, O'Bannon overcame his depression by writing the script for ALIEN. (During the Q&A after the screening, the director Hasko Baumann expressed interest in one day doing a full-length documentary on this first attempt to make DUNE into a film.) Moebius Redux was shot in HD and it looks amazing. The brilliant camera work and the fast-paced editing make you feel like you're watching Errol Morris on methamphetamines. This flick just plain ROCKS. It plays again at Fantastic Fest on Tuesday at 4:15pm. Don't miss your chance to see it on the big screen. Dr. Masado Banzai
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