Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

You won't go, much less come back to THE COMEBACKS... trust me, just look at this trailer!

Hey folks, Harry here... There are trailers that when you see them, you instantly know... this trailer will be forced in front of your eyes 30 times before the film goes... and probably 25 more times before the DVD hits... and then sporadically - possibly 30 more times eclectically placed through out your life where you just groan, "OH GOD, NOT THIS!" I'm blaming Mel Brooks, because he inspired the Zucker Bros, because they inspired the Wayans Bros, because they inspired even more insipid, trite, horrifying loads of fetid cine-drool like this shitty trailer. Please - Somebody, hit the erase button on this film's existence. Click at your own risk for pain... In Glorious Quicktime!

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