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WWE Wrestler Vies For The Million On SURVIVOR: CHINA!!

I am – Hercules!!
About the contestants: * There are 16. * They appear to be less racially diverse than those competing in the highly integrated prior two seasons. * Four of the 16 live in Greater Los Angeles. * Nine of the 16 are less than 30 years of age. * 14 of the 16 are less than 39 years of age. * The youngest, student Frosti Zernow, is 20. * The oldest, farmer Chicken Morris, is 47. * According to his CBS bio, Chicken Morris was married 40 years, which means the Virginia native was already married before he reached the age of eight. * Chicken Morris is a chicken farmer. * None are billed as bartenders, but there is a waitress. * One contestant, Ashley Massaro, is a former WWE wrestler. * Other professions listed include ex-model, flight attendant, surfing instructor, hiking guide, musician, professional poker player, school lunch lady and grave digger. * As per "Survivor" tradition, several of the women contestants are superhot, but angry virgins in talkback will insist that only one, or none, of them is even remotely attractive. About the game: * There will be two tribes on two Chinese islands. * I noticed no mention in the CBS press release of an “outcast island.” * The tribal names mean “Fighting Tiger” and “Flying Dragon.” (No word on anything crouching, but immunity idols will be hidden.) * Both tribes will be given a copy of Sun Tzu's “The Art of War.” * An immunity idol will be hidden in plain sight at both camps. * Reward challenges will allow a tribe to “kidnap” players from an opposing tribe. From the CBS press release:
The person who is kidnapped will receive a note from host Jeff Probst before departing for the enemy camp and will be instructed to give it to one member of the enemy tribe (the kidnapped victim will decide who receives it) in private. The clue will inform this person of the Hidden Immunity Idol located somewhere at their camp. This person must then decide if they wish to share the information with their tribe or keep it to themselves. The kidnapped victim will return to their original tribe at the following Immunity Challenge.
The 16 contestants are:
JEAN-ROBERT BELLANDE 36 Las Vegas (originally from Long Island , N.Y. ) Professional Poker Player JAMES CLEMENT 30 Lafayette, La. Grave Digger DAVE CRUSER 37 Simi Valley, Calif. Former Model JAIME DUGAN 22 Columbia, S.C. (originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.) Student TODD HERZOG 22 Pleasant Grove, Utah Flight Attendant ERIK HUFFMAN 26 Nashville, Tenn. (originally from Greenville, S.C.) Musician AMANDA KIMMEL 23 Los Angeles (originally from Kalispell, Mont.) Hiking Guide PEIH-GEE LAW 29 Marina Del Rey, Calif. (born in Hong Kong) Jeweler SHEREA LLOYD 26 Atlanta (originally from Pontiac, Mich.) Elementary Teacher DENISE MARTIN 40 Douglas, Mass. (originally from Revere, Mass.) School Lunch Lady ASHLEY MASSARO 28 East Northport, N.Y. Professional WWE Wrestler CHICKEN MORRIS 47 Marion, Va. Chicken Farmer LESLIE NEASE 38 Tega Cay, S.C. Christian Radio Talk Show Host AARON REISBERGER 32 Venice , Calif. (originally from Belmont County, Ohio) Surfing Instructor COURTNEY YATES 26 New York City (originally from Boston) Waitress FROSTI ZERNOW 20 Chicago (originally from Traverse City , Mich.) Parkour Athlete/Student
Discover what they look like here. The 15th season of “Survivor” debuts Sept. 20.

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