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Merrick here...
Playing catch-up with this one. A few days ago, some INDIANA JONES titles leaked onto the Internets. These titles were connected to Lucasfilm, Ltd. if one searches the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It's important to remember that these titles may not necessarily be associated with the new movie. Along with "INDY 4" will come a bevy of ancillary products (video games, books, rides, etc.), some of which (or none of which?) may be identified by these titles. HOWEVER, a couple of these titles do recall pointed rumors and speculation we've heard recently regarding "INDY 4" - and at least one of them was already "known" to us (THE CITY OF GODS). Are these registrations part of some misdirection campaign / shell game? Are any of these completely related to "INDY 4"? Or, are they totally unrelated? Here are the titles for your consideration, pontification, dismemberment, and general commentary. Thanks to Brachus for the following: doing a trademark search for Indiana Jones, I've come across 6 new registrations that look suspiciously like movie titles that have recently been discussed. All have (APPLICANT) Lucasfilm Ltd. CORPORATION CALIFORNIA P.O. Box 29901 San Francisco CALIFORNIA 94129 listed as the Owner and have a Filing Date of August 9, 2007. And now the list: INDIANA JONES AND THE FOURTH CORNER OF THE EARTH INDIANA JONES AND THE QUEST FOR THE COVENANT INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL INDIANA JONES AND THE LOST CITY OF GOLD INDIANA JONES AND THE CITY OF GODS INDIANA JONES AND THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS

I've always loved this teaser. So old-fashioned. So cool:

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