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Michael Cera is a YOUTH IN REVOLT!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. It's been 3 months since I've seen SUPERBAD and I'm so psyched it's finally coming out. I can't wait to see it again. Michael Cera is great. If you've been keeping up with his Clark & Michael web series, you'll know he's really on the top of his game. Dimension has optioned CD Payne's YOUTH IN REVOLT about a teenager named Nick Twisp. He's oversexed, a hormonal nightmare, but ends up finding the girl of his dreams on a family vacation. Gustin Nash (CHARLIE BARTLETT) adapts. No director is attached yet. I'm not familiar with these books, but they sound just fucked up enough to be right up my alley. And I'm down for anything that Cera does. It's going to be a helluva year for him... He's got SUPERBAD this weekend, he's doing YEAR ONE with Apatow/Ramis, co-starring alongside Jack Black, he's co-starring in Jason Reitman's JUNO and now he has this. I'm glad he's finally getting the kind of work his talent deserves.

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