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Francis Ford Coppola (13 DAYS and MEGALOPOLIS) News!

Well folks, here's the skinny on Francis Ford Coppola and what he is now going to be up to. Rumor had it he was about to sign on the dotted line to direct 13 DAYS for Beacon and New Line pictures... But that is no longer the case. Coppola chose not to make 13 DAYS, not because there was a thing wrong with it, but rather... it was STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE's fault...

Remember that one report from the first screening of Lucas' that had Kasdan, Darabont, Howard, Coppola and crew in attendance? Well, if you remember the most amazing reaction (to me anyway) was that of Howard's and Coppola's. Because after seeing the new Star Wars movie they were inspired to approach things differently. With Ron Howard the immediate effect was his approach to THE GRING THAT STOLE CHRISTMAS, and how he could completely envision and capture Dr Seuss' vision of Whoville and it's inhabitants. Cool.

And we heard that Coppola wanted to make a big gigantic imagination freeing science fiction epic... Well, the project has a name, and it is called MEGALOPOLIS. This will be a movie that Coppola will write as well as direct. It will be a movie that will be an auteur vision... He was so jazzed by STAR WARS EPISODE ONE, that now... he wants to work on MEGALOPOLIS exclusively. So there is no time in his life right now for 13 DAYS. So the hunt continues, I hope that film finds a strong director that sees the genius of David Self's script... and at the same time, I am happy for Coppola and us.... it sounds as though we have a new geek project by a master filmmaker in the works.... Oh... Goody!!!

Needless to say, if you hear anything on Coppola's MEGALOPOLIS, let me know. Right now... all we can guess is that it has something to do with a really really really huge city or communtiy or something.... What will that guy dream up?

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