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THE SHARK IS STILL WORKING gets an awesome trailer sure to make your JAWS nerd juices start flowing!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I've seen this film, THE SHARK IS STILL WORKING and wrote up my thoughts on it a while back. It's not perfect. I still contend that the flow of the documentary stops dead in its tracks when they get to Jawsfest in Martha's Vineyard, but even with that pacing flaw it's still the most comprehensive look at one of the best films of all time, indeed my favorite film of all time: JAWS. The documentary has on-camera interviews with everybody from Spielberg to Dreyfuss to Schieder to Williams. Anybody that had anything to do in the film (and who is still breathing) is in this documentary. My favorite person interviewed was Percy Rodrigues. You never see him talked about, but he played a huge role in making JAWS the success the film was. He narrated the trailer and his baritone voice was the perfect match for the images on the screen. "It was as if God created the Devil... and gave him... JAWS." "None of man's fantasies of evil can compare with the reality of... JAWS." The smart guys behind the documentary got Percy Rodrigues to narrate their new full trailer. And he sounds the same! So cool. Yes, I'm a JAWS nerd. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEW TRAILER... MAKE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM! I don't think they've locked down release of this film yet, but Universal would be idiotic to ignore this packaged documentary. Seriously. Yes, it's long. Yes, it could be trimmed by about 30 minutes and be stronger than it currently stands, but the material that is there is amazing. As a life-long JAWS fan (and I'm not alone), I've been wanting a documentary like this. It's comprehensive. There are amazing stories related by our idols who experienced them... and there is precious little repeated from previous JAWS documentaries. So, Universal... We want JAWS in HD... and this would make an amazing package or dual release, dontcha think?

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