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Rod Lurie makes the Plame-ish political drama NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Now this really does feel like a Rod Lurie movie. If you're not sure where to place the name, Rod Lurie directed THE CONTENDER for Dreamworks a few years back. That film borrowed a lot from the Clinton sex scandal to create a fictional story about a female Vice Presidential candidate coming under attack when her sexual past is revealed. Now there's a flick called NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH at Yari Film Group that Lurie is attached to that takes the Valerie Plame case and makes a fictionalized parallel story. The beautiful Vera Farmiga plays a CIA agent outted by a female reporter (Kate Beckinsale is negotiating for the role currently) who is imprisoned for not revealing her source. Edie Falco will be the newspaper editor who published the story, Alan Alda will be an attorney trying to free the reporter and Matt Dillon is the prosecutor. I quite liked THE CONTENDER, but I haven't seen it since it came out. Not sure how it holds up. I'm a sucker for a good courtroom drama, so I'm sure this one will be right up my alley.

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