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ACE VENTURA 3 sure to join the rousing successes of the Jim Carrey-less SON OF THE MASK, DUMB & DUMBERER and EVAN ALMIGHTY!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. This flick doesn't stand much of a chance. I'm not going to really harp on it. I understand the Morgan Creek mentality of wanting to continue their franchise with an ACE VENTURA 3, but doing it without Jim Carrey has fucked New Line twice (MASK and DUMB & DUMBERER) and Universal once (EVAN ALMIGHTY). And going with the "son of" character is never a good sign. People are interested in INDIANA JONES 4 because Harrison Ford is coming back. If it was Indiana Jones Jr. without one appearance from Ford then the shitstorm would really be brewing now, even if Spielberg was still directing. So, they're going for the crazy son of Ace Ventura trying to solve a missing panda case that implicates his mother. NANCY DREW's Josh Flitter is Junior. David M. Evans, who wrote RADIO FLYER (me likey) and directed THE SANDLOT (me also likey) as well as FIRST KID, BEETHOVEN'S 3RD AND 4TH and SANDLOT 2 (lots of me no likey) will direct this installment. Maybe the script is amazing and really funny. I don't know. Maybe this kid is a brewing superstar. I don't know that either. I do know that this feels like a really, really, really bad idea to me, but whatever. It's not my money.

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