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Director Scott Glosserman likes PLAYING HOUSE!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I was one of the first to declare my love for Scott Glosserman's BEHIND THE MASK: THE RISE OF LESLIE VERNON. I rewatched the DVD when it was released and it holds up just as much as it did on the second viewing at SXSW '06. Now his follow-up flick is officially in the works at Paramount Vantage. It's called PLAYING HOUSE and he's co-writing it with Macy Raymond, who penned the short story upon which it is based. The one-liner isn't all that inspiring... A young couple are preyed upon when they inhabit a seemingly deserted island mansion. However, I have faith in Glosserman. It'll be interesting to see him take on a horror picture without the comedy. I wish him well with it.

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