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Animation and Anime

AICN Anime-An Educational Short from An Invader Zim Animator

Logo handmade by Bannister Column by Scott Green
Tim Pyle, a CG animator for the brilliant cult series Invader Zim, sent AICN a pointer to his recent work on "M51 & Gizmo." The 2D/3D educational short looks at NASA's Spitzer space telescopes and their role in the search for life in the universe, specifically where habitable planets can be located. Older audiences will probably already be familiar with the principles of the lesson being conveyed but the eye-catching, solid look of the animation and the slightly snarky, goofy humor, make the short worth a download. "M51 & Gizmo" can be seen in High-def (720p) and Standard-def (480p)
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